Skin-to-Skin Contact for You & Baby
/Skin-to-skin contact is when a baby is placed face and tummy down onto the mother’s chest directly after giving birth and after the baby is cleaned. These first few hours of cuddling allow the mother and the baby to get to know each other. Skin-to-skin contact can benefit babies for months and that’s why here […]
Read more »Why baby massages are good for your infant
/Having a baby is probably one of the most amazing things we can do as parents and we all know the first thought when our little one/s is born is I want to do everything in my power to give this little human the best of everything. That is why we believe the best way […]
Read more »Why is learning to swim important?
/ | Leave a CommentSwimming is not only a sport that some children do. Swimming is a life skill that everyone should have. We never know when we could be in a situation where we would have to swim. We have a few reasons why swimming should be your child and your activity to master. Firstly Swimming teaches you […]
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